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IBTC Workshop @CEBC Graz

IBTC Workshop @CEBC Graz

Thermal upgrading of Biomass is seeing a second hype and this time it is driven from product demand in various markets. The sector, especially the technology providers have raised the temperature to high. An array of additional products, by products and additional processes is the result and is resulting in a much healthier sector than before.

The focus and dependence on the power market as only significant offtaker has caused plenty of troubles in the last decade for the sector. Now the trouble seems rather to ramp up fast enough processing capacity not to frustrate demand side.

o   In the presentation an update on existing plants respectively plants in the pipeline around the globe will be provided.

Further topics discussed:

o   Which sectors are currently demanding carbonized biomass and what are typical specifications.

o   Dominant form factors for trade

o   Feedstocks addressed and processed

o   By-products of the thermal treatment

A brief excursion on the International Biomass Torrefaction and Carbonisation Council (IBTC) that became an independent association by January 23, its mission, the planned activities and the services offered to members and the markets shall conclude the presentation.

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