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Coaltrans Asia 2023

24–26 September 2023

23rd Coaltrans 2023, Denpasar, Sept 23-26. 2023

At the IBTC AGM in April 2023 the board of IBTC decided to not only promote thermally treated biomass on biomass conferences but to rather spread the information in other sectors. The coal and iron/steel sector in particular had been named.

Coaltrans Asia was named to me as THE one event that attracts everybody in coal in South East Asia. 1136 official participants, the real number of participants seemed to be much higher as the overall Bali International Convention Center, several lobbies and corridors were filled with people discussing business. Appr. 60 companies had official separate meeting rooms. Conference Tickets from $US 2500+.

  • Coal producers from Indonesia and Australia
  • Shipping – Owners, Builders, Stevedores, Surveyors
  • Coal mining contractors and machinery suppliers
  • Market Reporters - Argus, McCloskey, Kpler,
  • Traders from all over dominated by Chinese and Indian traders.
  • Coal consumers from the region
  • Indonesian Officials – Ministries

The presentations itself were attended by a fraction of participants, ca 400-450.

Read the full report here


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